Page name: Backroom Of the Elftown Bar [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-12-27 20:21:33
Last author: Slayer Chick
Owner: Slayer Chick
# of watchers: 21
Fans: 0
D20: 13
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Ok! Here's the backroom! We finally made one! So you don't have to get so dirty in the bar! It's gross to some people, and inapropriate, so that's why we made one, The Elftown Bar is the place to chat and order drinks! NOT HERE! You can also Chat in the Chatting Idiots wiki...The only reason Slayer made this wiki is so that some people can go on the bed, relax, have sexual contact....

[But yeah i'm changing my whatever you want here...have fun! ^_^]

Descriptoin of this room:
3 big Red couches, padded floor and wall, big screen TV, 14 chairs, 4 big Black couches, 6 big california king sized beds, kurtans, music, 2 stripper poles, 4 tables, 1 hot tub (((just to relax and have *cough* well, you know...)))BIG BIG ROOM!

Back to...

<--Elftown Bar
<--Elftown Bar's Dance Floor
<--Backroom Of the Elftown Bar hehe you're already at the Backroom! LOL Have Fun!

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2005-04-19 [Harmony disguised as discord]: dot dot dot dot dot

2005-04-19 [Giganto Coconuts]: dot to dot...[Giganto Coconuts] porn! hehehe...

2005-04-20 [Harmony disguised as discord]: not what i meant.....but what the hell...

2005-04-20 [Darkness of Faith]: ummmmm right

2005-04-20 [Giganto Coconuts]: O_o

2005-05-15 [..Nightmare..]: *walks in and sits on a bed*

2005-05-15 [Giganto Coconuts]: *stands in corner*

2005-05-16 [Darkness of Faith]: *goes and lays down on a bed*

2005-05-16 [Death's Die-Ary]: mmkay

2005-05-16 [Giganto Coconuts]: *hums*

2005-05-16 [Death's Die-Ary]: *does opera*

2005-05-28 [Shade Wolf]: lol

2005-05-28 [Giganto Coconuts]: *laughs and tries to guess name of opera*

2005-05-29 [Death's Die-Ary]: keep guessing

2005-05-29 [Shade Wolf]: *Guesses* "SEX IN SUMMER?"

2005-05-29 [Death's Die-Ary]:'s called "ghost love score" by nightwish ^^

2005-05-29 [Harmony disguised as discord]: HEY, im back!

2005-05-30 [Death's Die-Ary]: *gasps* *huggles demetriy* ^^

2005-05-30 [Shade Wolf]: HeLlO

2005-05-31 [Giganto Coconuts]: up the butt

2005-06-01 [Shade Wolf]: What is?

2005-06-01 [Giganto Coconuts]: my hand

2005-06-03 [Shade Wolf]: LOL

2005-06-06 [..Nightmare..]: lmao im back XD

2005-06-06 [Death's Die-Ary]: yay!

2005-06-06 [Shade Wolf]: *Kisses Mallory's cheek* How are you babe?

2005-06-06 [Death's Die-Ary]: good *kisses your cheek back*

2005-06-06 [Shade Wolf]: I'm glad, sweetness.

2005-06-25 [*Pokes you*]: *humps Sasha*

2005-06-26 [p7]: lol hi ppl......

2005-06-27 [Giganto Coconuts]: EW!!! molly dun do that type of stuff here...

2005-06-27 [p7]: ............................hi ppls

2005-06-27 [Giganto Coconuts]: Hi wenis

2005-06-27 [p7]: lol

2005-06-28 [Shade Wolf]: Hello

2005-06-28 [p7]: hi everyone!!!!!!!!!!

2005-06-28 [*Pokes you*]: Sorry Sasha I will refrain from having sexual relations with you in public

2005-06-29 [p7]: lol haha niiiice

2005-06-29 [Death's Die-Ary]: thats the fun part,is doing it in public

2005-06-29 [Shade Wolf]: Like in Vegas,hun?

2005-06-29 [p7]: lol

2005-06-29 [Death's Die-Ary]: *shhh*

2005-06-29 [p7]: :( y shhh?

2005-06-29 [Shade Wolf]: Nevermind,forget I said anything.

2005-06-29 [p7]: im confused........

2005-06-29 [*Pokes you*]: lol doing it in public makes me nervous

2005-06-29 [p7]: lol

2005-07-01 [Giganto Coconuts]: Like that one time on the bench and that lady was there and you and rob were all like "EEK a lady!"

2005-07-01 [p7]: lol niiice

2005-07-01 [*Pokes you*]: yeah, like that lol

2005-07-01 [p7]: lol r yall?

2005-07-01 [*Pokes you*]: wee good we good

2005-07-01 [p7]: lol thats great

2005-07-02 [*Pokes you*]: yup it is

2005-07-02 [p7]: lol yup

2005-07-12 [Danboo]: hey all

2005-07-12 [*Pokes you*]: hullo

2005-07-12 [Danboo]: how are you

2005-07-12 [*Pokes you*]: good, and you?

2005-07-12 [Danboo]: mmmm... kinda

2005-07-12 [*Pokes you*]: kinda what? what's wrong

2005-07-12 [Danboo]: nothing

2005-07-13 [p7]: im

2005-07-13 [*Pokes you*]: alright

2005-07-14 [p7]: actually im not now......:'(

2005-07-14 [Danboo]: Why?

2005-07-14 [p7]: cuz my best friend is going out w/ the guy i like and she wouldnt have even met him if i wouldnt have introduced him!!!

2005-07-14 [Danboo]: oh..

2005-07-14 [p7]: breaks my heart

2005-07-14 [Danboo]: Ummm i dunno what to tell you

2005-07-14 [p7]: its ok.......its not yr fault and u dont even know me so u shouldnt have to comfort me

2005-07-14 [Danboo]: yea but i like to help people since it seems every thing just about possible has happened to me

2005-07-14 [p7]: oh.....well now im talkin 2 her and stuff.....she thought i would be cool w/ it

2005-07-14 [*Pokes you*]: *comforts [p7]*

2005-07-17 [Shade Wolf]: Hello

2005-07-19 [*Pokes you*]: hullo

2005-07-19 [Giganto Coconuts]: HI's it HANGING if you know what I mean

2005-07-19 [*Pokes you*]: yes I do, but you have to ask Andy about that, his was the only one hanging... you made sure of that.

2005-07-19 [Death's Die-Ary]: *so lost,............Dances instead*

2005-07-19 [Shade Wolf]: dances too

2005-07-19 [Giganto Coconuts]: what the hell are you talking about molly?

2005-07-19 [Death's Die-Ary]: molly wants to do [Hedda]

2005-07-19 [Giganto Coconuts]: are you kidding me!!??!! EVERYONE wants to do [Hedda] he's a hot lil beyotch, ya?

2005-07-19 [Death's Die-Ary]: er.......>.> not really,but i'd do him so he wouldn't bann me :)

2005-07-19 [Shade Wolf]: Bad mallory

2005-07-19 [Death's Die-Ary]: yes me so bad....*handcuffs myself* oh noooo,i'm going to president's house,thats how bad i am ;)

2005-07-19 [Giganto Coconuts]: O.o; I find strange people every day..

2005-07-21 [*Pokes you*]: HUG HIM bRIT AND THEN YHE WON'T "HANG" SO LIMPLY!!!

2005-07-25 [p7]: lmfao

2005-07-31 [Giganto Coconuts]: TOUCH ME MOLLY FOR I AM A LITTLE BOY

2005-07-31 [*Pokes you*]: *gives it to [Giganto Coconuts] up the ass*

2005-08-01 [Death's Die-Ary]:


y'all are so dont know lol

2005-08-01 [*Pokes you*]: we are speshul BAYBEE!!!

2005-08-02 [Giganto Coconuts]: molly are you on?

2005-08-04 [p7]: lol lmfao this is soooooo funny.......

2005-08-04 [Giganto Coconuts]: is?

2005-08-06 [*Pokes you*]: i am now on

2005-08-06 [Giganto Coconuts]: yes..I've been talking to you..for what? FIVE FREAKING HOURS..

2005-08-06 [*Pokes you*]: thats nice

2005-08-07 [Giganto Coconuts]: yes it is

2005-08-08 [p7]: yes it is funny......

2005-08-08 [*Pokes you*]: i love pie

2005-08-11 [p7]: w0w that was random

2005-08-11 [Shade Wolf]: ookkkkkkkayyyy

2005-08-11 [p7]: lol

2005-08-12 [Death's Die-Ary]: pie doesn't love you though

2005-08-12 [Shade Wolf]: ????

2005-08-12 [Death's Die-Ary]: why the hell do ppl do those ?????????? marks,it's annoying,say something.

2005-08-12 [Shade Wolf]: I am confused,okay

2005-08-12 [Death's Die-Ary]: then just say your confused,it's not that hard,lol...ugh.

2005-08-12 [Shade Wolf]: *kisses* Be quiet,lol,just kidding

2005-08-12 [Death's Die-Ary]: *runs away to the bar*

2005-08-12 [Shade Wolf]: Oops

2005-08-12 [p7]: awwwwww poor mal........*hugs*

2005-08-14 [Death's Die-Ary]: *smiles and hugs back*

2005-08-14 [Harmony disguised as discord]: hey, guess who it is?

2005-08-15 [Shade Wolf]: *hugs Mallory*

2005-08-15 [Death's Die-Ary]: demetriy !

2005-08-15 [p7]: *smiles*

2005-08-16 [Shade Wolf]: Hello

2005-08-16 [*Pokes you*]: I'm back!

2005-08-18 [p7]: lol

2005-09-08 [Shade Wolf]: *hugs scorched and catches fire* Gawwwhhh!!!! Put me out!!! What the hell is wrong with you people!?!

2005-09-11 [*Pokes you*]: SORRY! *throws water on shade wolf*

2005-09-12 [Shade Wolf]: *passes out*

2005-09-12 [*Pokes you*]: *licks wolf*

2005-09-12 [Death's Die-Ary]: eh! no licking the BF :)

2005-09-12 [*Pokes you*]: *licks the bride*

2005-09-13 [Shade Wolf]: *comes out of it* Hey no licking my gf!

2005-09-13 [Death's Die-Ary]: lol *licks scorched sun* ahhhhhhhhhhhh that was a bad idea......*stops....and rolls to get the fire out*

2005-09-14 [..Nightmare..]: ouchies that looks like it hurt


2005-09-15 [*Pokes you*]: *LICKS EVERYONE*

2005-09-15 [Death's Die-Ary]: *runs away to my husband*

2005-09-15 [*Pokes you*]: lol

2005-09-20 [Harmony disguised as discord]: *douses your ass* now what?!

2005-09-25 [*Pokes you*]: OUCH! Well now my ass is smoking thanks alot.

2005-09-27 [Harmony disguised as discord]: now?

2005-09-29 [*Pokes you*]: *re-lights* Well there is usually something to talk about.

2005-09-30 [Harmony disguised as discord]: like what flamer?

2005-10-01 [*Pokes you*]: A CORNICOPIA OF LOVE!!!

2005-10-02 [Death's Die-Ary]: really?

2005-10-02 [Harmony disguised as discord]: *slaps the fuck out of them* what in all that is evil is wrong with your silly ass?!

2005-10-03 [Death's Die-Ary]: looks like someone needs anger management :D

2005-10-03 [Harmony disguised as discord]: who me? never...just murder management....but anyway, how are you doing?

2005-10-03 [Death's Die-Ary]: LOL i'm doing good,thanks. How are you?

2005-10-04 [Harmony disguised as discord]: content for the moment...better now

2006-01-08 [blackdragon856]: Testes

2006-01-10 [Death's Die-Ary]: you shouldnt be allowed to talk.

2006-01-10 [Harmony disguised as discord]: who?

2006-03-19 [..Nightmare..]: Peter Griffin

2006-04-23 [Harmony disguised as discord]: Somehow, I doubt that is what they meant...

2006-04-26 [..Nightmare..]: lol i know that, i dont even remember posting that... but yea i guess i did

2006-05-04 [fictional girl]: hello

2006-05-07 [..Nightmare..]: hiya

2006-05-10 [Death's Die-Ary]: when do you guys wanna have a summer dance?

2006-05-11 [..Nightmare..]: umm right now in the rain *dances*

2006-05-22 [Death's Die-Ary]: dancing in the rain is hottER

2006-05-23 [..Nightmare..]: when your naked its more fun !!!

2006-05-31 [Death's Die-Ary]: how would you know? ~__^

2006-06-01 [..Nightmare..]: because i did it like a week or two ago?

2006-06-05 [Death's Die-Ary]: i bet that was so HOT.

2006-06-09 [..Nightmare..]: lmao actually it was cold but .....lmao just kidding

2006-06-26 [Pyra]: Hey, do you guys like pirates or ninjas better?

2006-07-04 [Death's Die-Ary]: pirates

2006-07-05 [..Nightmare..]: ppppppppppppppiiiiiiiiiiiiirates! speaking of pirates guess what movie im seeing this friday XD

2006-07-05 [p7]: i'm jealous...

2006-07-06 [..Nightmare..]: XD :P and im getting another tattoo before hand so expect pictures to be up on Friday or Saterday

2006-07-06 [p7]: jeez i'm really jealous

2006-07-06 [..Nightmare..]: XD and i just found out today what time, and what color the black light ink is going to be. Pink XD

2006-07-07 [p7]: that's amazing!!! what is the tattoo gonna be of???

2006-07-07 [..Nightmare..]: a heartagram inspired image that i drew :P

2006-07-07 [p7]: oooo you've gotta let me see after you get it

2006-07-08 [..Nightmare..]: check it out on my house im putting the pics up now.

2006-07-10 [p7]: oh that's cool...i like it

2006-07-13 [..Nightmare..]: thanks ^.^ -dances- i cant wait till its finished :P

2006-07-23 [p7]: yea i know what you mean...let me know!!!

2006-07-23 [..Nightmare..]: TIS FINISHED XP check it out on my house

2006-09-15 [p7]: yay...sorry it took so long...<3333

2007-10-31 [The Black Goat]: Yeah! This is totally my kind of place! <^.^>

2007-11-01 [ninje]: i just got a tat also i like it ive been drawing it out for a long time check it out

2007-11-01 [The Black Goat]: that is kick ass ^^ I love the flames around it, your design then huh? I wanted to design my own too for when I'm old enough to get one.

2007-11-02 [ninje]: im 16 i got a family friend who works in a parlor do it yeah ive been drawing that for about 8 years i love it im glad i got it

2007-11-02 [The Black Goat]: Nice, I'm sure my drawing skills coulnd't compare, I'm more of a writer ^^'

2007-11-03 [ninje]: same i hate my drawing i find language to be more my art my girl can draw really well tho this is just something ive been working on for a long time then i just had him fix a few things and i had him draw up the flames i like how it came out

2007-11-03 [The Black Goat]: So what do you write?

2007-11-03 [ninje]: short stories (realistic marxist kind of books) songs music and poems you?

2007-11-03 [ninje]: <a href="" target="_blank"><img:" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>

2007-11-03 [ninje]: damn didnt work

2007-11-03 [The Black Goat]: lol salright ^^ i usauly screw that kind of thing up too! I write fanitisy, mostly modern, some dark horror... I have like writer's ADD I guess because I jump around from story to story so often <^-^>

2007-11-03 [ninje]: sounds familiar i do too it sucks but good news is i can finish 5 at one time lol

2007-11-03 [The Black Goat]: I havemn't finished any.. but i have like a dozen of them ^^'

2007-11-04 [ninje]: lol i have finished a few of them

2007-11-05 [The Black Goat]: how long were they?

2007-11-06 [ninje]: there short stories so only like 15 pages

2007-11-06 [The Black Goat]: ahhh... i'm trying to write whole novels and series ^^

2007-11-06 [ninje]: nah i like short strories along marxist realistic young adult fiction

2007-11-07 [The Black Goat]: Hmm?

2007-11-07 [ninje]: ummm the kinda of stories S.E Hinton wrote or the book scorpions or u kno stuff like that btw S.E Hinton wrote the outsiders, taming the star runner, rumble fish, that was then this is now, tex yeah really good author, i think

2007-11-07 [The Black Goat]: Ahhh... i see

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